Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Operation of the Aviation Industry
Operation of the Aviation Industry P7: Explain how general aviation organisations operate This report is for the transport trade journal investigating how the general aviation sector operates and diagram will be included highlighting the links between the different organization in the aviation industry. With the help of a diagram which outline the links and my internet research sources this report will outline how the general aviation organizations operated. It will state the different types of operator and list example of each. Research findings will outline all these pointers then it will be further explained for you to get a better understanding. Then a conclusion will be drawn on how the general aviation organization operates. General aviation is defined by en.wikipedia.org (2016) as all civil aviation operations other than scheduled air services and non-scheduled air transport operations for remuneration or hire. A discussion will be made on the operation of the general aviation then a conclusion will be drawn. Diagram that shows the link between the organizations in the aviation industry Research findings on how general aviation organization operates: Aircraft operator In order to be a valid aircraft operator an aircraft operator certificate (AOC) must be issued. (Caa.co.uk, 2016) Airfield operator Operates in all areas specified to the airport with the compliance of the federal aviation administration safety regulations. (study.com,2016) Management and control Services provided to keep operations in check and running smooth. General aviation is one the most important sectors in the aviation industry, GA has three types of organization aircraft operator, airfield operator and management and control each organization covers a vast number of operations to help the operation to run smooth for the industry is very demanding. The aircraft operator has to be certified with the aircraft operator certificate (ACO) this is allowed by the national aviation authority (NAA) in order her the person to carry out duties En.wikipedia.org. (2016). Aircraft operator not only just operates the aircraft but is responsible for flight school operations where training is done for all accepts of aviation example pilot training. Also operates recreational operations like parachuting, guild and also executive transport, air taxi and also emergency service like the ambulance and the emergency breathing system set in place for helicopter passengers approved by the UK civil aviation authority (Caa.co.uk, 2016).The airfield operator b asically operates all the airports operation on the airfield with the compliance of the federal aviation administration safety regulations, the airfields operator ensures safety by checking and monitoring the runway condition, weather condition etc (study.com). Then we move on to the management and control operation this provide services like air traffic control which is implemented to prevent collision and to organize air traffic flow (en.wikipedia.org, 2016). Border control works under the border force which are laws enforcement command set in place to secure UK by checking people and goods entering the UK (Gov.uk ,2016). CONCLUSION In conclusion, for the general aviation organization to work fluently other organization have work together to achieve that and we have seen that outlined in the diagram above. we have also seen that the aircraft operator not just only operates the aircraft but deals with most if not all aspect of it, ranging from training to the actual operating the aircraft with different operations. The management and control operation prevents collision of aircraft and organize the flow of traffic and also control people and goods coming in and out of the airport. The last but not lease the airfield operations monitor and ensure safety of the airfield by adhering to the federal aviation administration safety regulations. References Caa.co.uk. (2016). Air Operator Certificates | UK Civil Aviation Authority. [online] Available at: http://www.caa.co.uk/Commercial-industry/Aircraft/Operations/Air-operator-certificates/Air-Operator-Certificates/ [Accessed 17 Dec. 2016]. En.wikipedia.org. (2016). General aviation. [online] Available at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_aviation [Accessed 8 Dec.2016] Gov.uk. (2016). Border Force GOV.UK. [online] Available at: https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/border-force [Accessed 17 Dec. 2016]. Study.com. (2016). Airfield Operations Specialist: Job Description, Duties and Salary. [online] Available at: http://study.com/articles/Airfield_Operations_Specialist_Job_Description_Duties_and_Salary.html [Accessed 17 Dec. 2016]. Unit 1 LO4 aviation term paper Student: Sudane Atkinson Date: December 4, 2016 Lecture: Aneka Hutchinson M3: Analyze the role of three different types of general aviation organizations, highlighting their links with other aviation sectors. This report is for the transport trade journal which I am investigating the role of three different types of general aviation organization then highlight their links with other aviation sectors. The aim of this report is to discover the links the general aviation organization has with other aviation sectors but before I move on general aviation is defined by Merriam-webster.com. 2016 as the operation of civilian aircraft not under the control of a common carrier. Research finding will be made on the role of the three different types of general aviation highlighted the link in other aviation sector, a discussion will be made ten a conclusion will be drawn on how these organizations are linked. Below outlines the research finding on the roles of three different types of general aviation and their links with other sectors. Roles: Aircraft operator Must ensure that compliance for the requirements of the air worthiness directive (AD) is met. Keep emission low Offers pilot training Offers certification through European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) Offers recreation operations Offers emergency transportation (caa.co.uk,2016) Airfield operator Ensure airfields are safe Direct emergency response units. Air traffic control and airfield operator Coordinate the activities of the aircraft. (Study.com, 2016) Management and control Control the passage of goods and people traveling to and from the UK. (Gov.uk,2016) Air traffic coordinates air traffic movements Alert response team when there is an emergency Controls all ground traffic (Collegegrad.com ,2016) Links: Commercial airline is linked with the aircraft operator as they can now file occurrence reports more efficiently. (caa.co.uk, 2016) Airlines and aircraft operator are link in the form of negotiation (Faulhaber, J. 2010). The general aviation industry has three organizations these are aircraft operator, airline operator and management and control. All these organization make the aviation industry flows with safety of self and other the number one priority. The roles for each organization is as follows. The management and control basically controls the surrounds of the aviation from ground to sky, controls the passage of goods and people traveling to and from the UK by doing immigration and customs checks to secure the UK border (Gov.uk. 2016). Air traffic control coordinates the traffic movement and avoid the collision of aircraft by guiding pilot in landing and takeoff also alerts airport response team when there is an emergency (Collegegrad.com ,2016). The airfield operator number one responsibility is to ensure that airfield is safe by connecting with the air traffic controls to ensure that all aviation operations are safe (Study.com, 2016). The aircraft operator offers training and works with the EASA in certification also offer recreational operations like, gliding, parachute, aerobatics etc. The aircraft operator also offers emergency transportation like helicopters when a emergency response team is alerted but either the airfield operator or the management and control organization. The aviation industry is a very vast industry with many different sectors and organizations for these organizations to work fluently there must be some links to join them, the Civil Aviation Association came up with a new rule which allow commercial airlines to link with the aircraft operator as they now have an online portal to file their occurrence more effectively (caa.co.uk, 2016). The second link is that airlines and aircraft operator are link in the form of negotiation agreements this help achieve both party aims and objectives by developing a work relationship as business partner (Faulhaber, J. 2010). Conclusion All the organization works together to allow this very diverse very vast industry works seamlessly. From the linking of organization to different sector to help in achieving respective objectives and aim this will also help to minimize the disturbance in airport cash flow by just negotiate agreements (Faulhaber, J. 2010). Another the relationship between the airline and airport operator that they now have a more effective way to communicate any occurrence. what I have also realized is that all the three-general aviation operation have a pointer or two in common with their role these are they call have a linkage in the response to the emergency response and the airfield operator works alongside the management and control to allow save air traffic control. References à à Collegegrad.com. (2016). Air Traffic Controllers: Career, Salary and Education Information CollegeGrad.com. [online] Available at: https://collegegrad.com/careers/air-traffic-controllers [Accessed 17 Dec. 2016]. Caa.co.uk. (2016). Air Operator Certificates | UK Civil Aviation Authority. [online] Available at: http://www.caa.co.uk/Commercial-industry/Aircraft/Operations/Air-operator-certificates/Air-Operator-Certificates/ [Accessed 17 Dec. 2016]. Faulhaber, J. (2010). Airport/airline agreements. Washington, D.C.: Transportation Research Board. Gov.uk. (2016). Border Force GOV.UK. [online] Available at: https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/border-force [Accessed 17 Dec. 2016]. Merriam-webster.com. (2016). Definition of GENERAL AVIATION. [online] Available at: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/general%20aviation [Accessed 17 Dec. 2016]. Study.com. (2016). Airfield Operations Specialist: Job Description, Duties and Salary. [online] Available at: http://study.com/articles/Airfield_Operations_Specialist_Job_Description_Duties_and_Salary.html [Accessed 17 Dec. 2016].
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